
Congo Facts & Photos

DR Congo has been marred by years of war and AIDS, creating a humanitarian crisis with more than 5 million orphans struggling daily in conditions of extreme poverty and famine. Child headed families are the norm here. It is said that "it takes a village to raise a child," but the villages are overwhelmed with the shocking number of children in this country that are without families. This situation leaves these children vulnerable and in urgent need of a permanent solution, a forever family.
Children die faster in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) than in all but 10 other countries in the world, according to United Nations statistics. A house-to-house survey by the International Rescue Committee found that the child death rate was four times that for Africa as a whole. If conditions remain unchanged, 515 of every 1,000 children will die before turning 5, the organization said. In developed nations such as the United States, the comparable statistic is six deaths for every 1,000 children.

    Look at these precious children that are created and loved by God. :)
John 14:18 says, "I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you." 
My heart is overjoyed knowing that we will be able to be united with one of these children.

Information taken from:  


  1. Hi, I just wanted to say thank you for this information. My husband and I are just starting out and looking into DRC and Ethiopia for adoption. This just breaks my heart but I too look forward to one day being able to bring home one of these sweet babies!
    Are you going through Little Miracles? Also, could I ask where you got your adoption funds africa marker on your side bar? I love that.

    Sending prayers your way! Hope everything goes quickly for you!

  2. Oh sorry! I hadn't looked at your timeline tab yet- yes, I look for this too! Thank you for sharing!!
