
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Abandoned..1 Year Later

Today is mixed with many different emotions. One year ago today our son was found abandoned in the marketplace of the capital city in the DRC. A scared and confused 3 year old boy with bright eyes and a sweet smile was left behind. At that moment, God’s kindness and sovereignty was displayed as our son was found by a street vendor. She brought him to the authorities and was told to watch over him for a month to see if anyone came back for him. No one did. As I type the words ‘No one did’, my heart sinks and aches for the great loss our son had to experience very early in his precious life. I wonder why he was abandoned. Were his parents sick? Were they too poor to feed his little mouth? Did they stop loving their son? Was his mother a single mother who struggled to care for her child? No matter what the circumstances I know that God’s mercy and compassion fell on our son that day. The vendor who found E had likely seen hundreds and hundreds of abandoned children around the marketplace peddling for money and food. By God’s grace she had compassion on this little boy. I often pray for E’s biological parents. I don’t know why they left him. I don’t know why he had to endure so much loss and pain in the short 3 years he has been on this earth. The child that I have prayed for was born to another woman thousands of miles away. I pray that his biological parents would have assurance that their son is deeply loved. I pray that they would know that their son is no longer alone. He has a family. He has a mother and a father and a little brother. Most of all I pray that they would know God’s love, kindness, and eternal salvation. We will never meet the woman who gave birth to our son but maybe one day when we are reconciled to Christ we will sing praises to the King of Glory together in Heaven. 

God has perfect timing. Romans 5:6 says, “For while we were still helpless, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly.” God doesn’t mess up! We can always rely on God to come through. From eternity passed God had the appointed time when Jesus would die on the cross to reconcile sinners to himself. We know ‘at the right time’ we shall be united with our sons! Continue to join us in prayer as that day approaches! 

 We have grown to love our sons more than we could imagine!
Our smart little guy! :)


  1. I have been to the orphanages and also formed relationships with many orphan children while in Africa for the 3 months I was there, total. I can picture this, completely. The way they crave your love, touch, attention, it's so beautiful, and heartbreaking. My heart beats and breaks for these children and so many here in the states who have felt the sting of abandonment from their Fathers and Mothers. Praise Jesus that He has adopted us as His sons and daughters. That makes us sons and daughters of the King; we are princes and princesses!!! What an honor!! Thanking our God, El Shaddai, God who is "more than enough!" Love you dearly, Deb!!

  2. Thank you for the encouragement Jen! I love you!
