
Friday, January 13, 2012

God's Perfect Timing

Over the past several weeks our blog has had a sudden burst of views largely due to people connecting to it from Pinterest from some of our Adoption Photos being pinned. (If you don’t know what Pinterest is then you NEED to check it out! It’s AWESOME!) I have been absolutely amazed at the adoption community out there. People from all over the world have visited our blog and my heart leaps for joy at the thought of God’s people praying for our child in Africa! This week we have had visits from Canada, Germany, Australia, South Korea, New Zealand, Italy, Brazil, Colombia, and Mexico, Uganda, and South Africa!

Who's reading our blog!?

I have also had several emails from some pretty amazing sisters in Christ who are also experiencing the joy of adoption! We don’t know each other but we know what it feels like to be on this adoption journey. Sometimes we begin the journey because of infertility or because we feel the call from God to expand our families through adoption. Nonetheless, we are all Mommas to children somewhere in the world. God’s grace is sufficient and God’s heart is kind. I feel His love everyday when I pray for our child. I see His provision when we get another donation. I know God is working! Sometimes when I get discouraged I just feel like giving up! Throwing in the towel and saying “I can’t do it!” You know what? I can’t do it! But God CAN! So I rest in the fact that God has perfect timing! God’s word tells me that He makes all things beautiful in His time (Ecc 3:11). He tells me that I can plan my life but HE establishes my steps (Prov.16:9). The most beautiful evidence of God’s perfect timing is His Son, Jesus, coming to earth! In ALL of time, God chose the time for Jesus to be born to Mary when her and Joseph were very FAR away from home registering for the census (Luke 2). When they were in Bethlehem the Bible says that “the time for her to give birth” came. At THAT time, in THAT place, in THAT city Jesus was born. Oh how beautiful God’s timing is! When I have heart ache that I must wait for our baby in Africa to come home then I remind myself of the story of Jesus coming to earth! It really puts things in perspective! To my fellow adoptive Mommas: Be patient, love the Lord, and be full of faith! The time will come when we can hold our children!

Here are a few things that have helped me when I struggle:
* Fill my heart and mind with God’s Word! Memorize scripture!
* Limit my time researching on the internet!
* I don’t get on Facebook and read the newsfeed! I usually just check my messages and then log out! Sometimes seeing pregnancy announcements, baby shower pics, and maternity pics can get my focus off of God’s kindness towards me.
* Find 4 or 5 Godly women to be your prayer partners! Text them when you struggle! Text them when you rejoice! Let them keep you accountable!
*Daily Quiet Time and Prayer.


  1. Yes! I LOVE your pictures on Pinerest. Such a sweet idea and now I love following your blog!

  2. I love your photos and am also following your blog. My husband and I are hoping to adopt!

  3. I found your pictures on Pinterest as well. My husband and I are adopting domestically and have been talking about getting pictures done. I hope you don't mind if we borrow some of the ideas. And you are right... Facebook can take my mind off of God's plans for me... maybe I should limit the news feed more.

    1. I don't mind if you take some of our picture ideas at all!! Have fun with your photo shoot! We had so much fun taking our pictures. I will be praying for your adoption Ashley. God bless you and your husband! Thanks for posting!

  4. Hi, I also found your blog through Pinterest. My husband and I adopted our two littles one (4 & 18mos). It is an amazing journey, I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

  5. Thank you for your encouragement Julie! We appreciate your prayers!

  6. Debbie,
    I like your tips for keeping your mind on the Lord and how good he has been to you. I think it's his supernatural grace that has allowed me to be able to rejoice with others who are having children and now you - adopting! I have always adored children and thought I would have at least 5. I think suffering of all kinds has the potential to change our perspective and give us a new and even different heart for God and for others. I know there are singles who want to be married, childless couples who want to have children, sick people who want to be well, and like you've mentioned in your many children who want families. Just to live in America where even the poorest among us are rich compared to the rest of the world is a blessing we do not deserve...clean water, food, nice clothes, shelter and access to medical care would be a dream come true for so many around the globe. Add to that everything else we Americans have and we seem almost "spoiled". We have been given much, so much is required of us [Luke 12:48]. Uncle Roy and I pray this journey will grow your character even more than having your own biological children might...and then you can use that to comfort and bless others, even as you are doing now with your blog [2 Corinthians 1:4]. Love, Aunt Sarah

    1. Wow Aunt Sarah, thank you so much for your kind and encouraging words. Kevin and I appreciate all the support and love you and Uncle Roy have shown us throughout this process. Even though our "plans" may not have worked out the way we would have thought they should we know that God is still good! My relationship with the Lord is so much sweeter now than it was when I had EVERYTHING planned out for myself! God's grace is sufficient. We love you guys and we sincerely appreciate your support and excitement!

  7. You're so welcome and we love you too. By the way, I'm responding again just because I wanted to say I did not mean to minimize in any way the pain that not being able to have your "own" children has caused you. I know it hurts terribly...but I also know the child you get will be YOURS. I thought you might enjoy this story I read awhile back. There was an updated video to go with it, but of course, now I can't find it.

  8. I did find your blog via Pinterest. Just wanted to say congratulations on your impending adoption. We've adopted twice from China and our girls are two of the greatest blessings of our lives. We waited five years to the day for our youngest, and God blessed us hugely in showing us a glimpse of why He wanted us to wait that long. The sting of the wait disappeared completely for me when I learned our youngest had an extra-special cribmate. Keep your focus on Him - it will make your path straight.

    1. Wow, thank you so much for sharing some of your story with me! I deeply appreciate it. I REALLY needed to see your message when I did! Thank you for your encouragement! Blessings to you and your family!

  9. I'm one that pinned your pictures...I'm a waiting big sister to two precious 7 year olds in Russia, and I loved your photos. Someday I hope to be an adoptive mom, and they gave me a lot of creative inspiration. Praying that your adoption journey goes smoothly :)

    1. Thank you very much! We are praying for your little sisters!

  10. Debbie,

    Your photos on pinterest are what brought me to your blog...your words are what keep me here. Thank you for sharing your story. I am finding the courage through your words to revisit the idea of adoption for our family. Again, thank you! You will never know what your posts mean in my heart.

    1. Thank you for your kind words and encouragement! Please know that I am praying for you. The Lord loves you so deeply and so passionately! I will pray that the Lord gives you clear guidance on adoption for your family. His Will is perfect and His heart is kind. Please stay in touch! I seriously love my sisters in Christ that I have connected with via this blog!

  11. I started reading your blog by searching for Congo adoption blogs. We are just now starting the process of adopting from the Congo. Your blig really speaks to me and I pray that God will give me the strength and wisdom that you have. We have had some controversy in my family over adopting a black child. Your posts help me to redirect negative conversations back to God and scripture, as he is the reason why we are adopting. Praying for you and your adoption!

    1. I needed to read your comment today! I desperately needed some encouragement!  I am so glad that you are going to be bringing home another Congo baby that needs a family! We have had a few people who didn’t understand why we would adopt a child that looks nothing like us! Sometimes people will ask us where we are adopting from and when we say “the Congo” their reply is “Wow, those children will be really black.” My husband and I have gotten to the stage where we just laugh at those comments. We believe that the fact that our children will look nothing like us is such a beautiful testimony to God’s unconditional and perfect love! I cannot imagine my family not having a little brown skinned baby as part of it! The affection and love that I have for Africa and the orphans in Africa is so deep and so passionate. I fall more and more in love with our child and my Savior as we progress in our adoption journey! God’s love makes us a family no matter what color our children are!  Bless you and your husband on your adoption journey! Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help you with your adoption! I would love to help in any way I can!
