
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

10,000 Reasons

Over the past couple months Kevin and I have been super busy trying to do a balancing act with youth ministry, holiday events and travel, and of course our adoption. It has been hard to sit down and think long enough to organize our thoughts on our adoption and just life in general. It is just a few days before Christmas and I wanted to do a quick posting on what our hearts are feeling this Christmas. I have such an overwhelming feeling of gratitude and thankfulness for Christ. I cry EVERY Christmas when I think about Jesus coming to Earth by the way of a young faithful girl named Mary. The Christmas story is so incredibly beautiful. Imagine Mary. Mary had the privilege to carry the Savior of mankind in her tummy. It says in Luke 2:19 that Mary treasured what she was told by the angel about the child she would carry. Jesus came to Earth as a humble baby that needed to be cared for, fed, changed, rocked, and loved. As I pray for our child in Africa today I remember Jesus. I praise him for the 10,000 reasons we have to be thankful. Christ has already chosen the child that will be a Weldon. He has known for all of time that small baby in Africa would be part of Our family. Just like God knew for all of time that he would send a Savior to Earth by way of a young virgin named Mary. I may not be able to know what it is like to carry a child in my womb like Mary but I will know the same joy that Mary had as she sat and cared for the child that she was promised. Take the time today to thank God for sending Christ Jesus the Savior to save and redeem His creation.

Our little Christmas Tree! :)

Our silly Christmas sweater party on our youth Winter Retreat!

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