
Monday, October 10, 2011

Jesus is ALWAYS Worth It

This weekend was our youth girls lock in with 32 girls in attendance! We had such a fun time dancing, playing games, and doing girly things! When I pulled into the church and I saw all these students standing outside I thought “Why are all these people at the church?” I had no earthly idea that we would have such a great turn out for this event. Needless to say I felt a little overwhelmed! Thank the Lord for Godly women willing to give up a Friday night to spend time with these young ladies.

Our pastor’s wife, Christy McCosh, gave a short devotional on being a girl that is set apart for Christ. Everyone was very attentive and willing to take a break from all their activities to listen to her devo. Afterwards, I had an opportunity to talk to a couple of young girls about my relationship with Jesus. Kevin and I have learned that so many of our students genuinely want to live for Jesus but they are bombarded by so many difficult influences that it is hard to choose Christ everyday. I told these girls that Kevin and I truly believe that Christ is worth it. If I didn’t believe that Christ was worth it then I wouldn’t have spent the last 7 years of my life serving the youth at Gum Springs!
My heart is overflowing with gratitude for Christ’s love for me as his child. We live our lives with gratitude and thankfulness that Jesus gave his life for us. He rescued me and redeemed me when I was far from Him. God continually reminds me of his provision and mercy through our circumstances. Since we have announced our plans to adopt from the Congo we have had an awesome response of support and encouragement from our friends, family, and church. We are truly excited to see how God works this all out for His glory. Romans 8:28 says, “All things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.” Praise the Lord that we have this promise! Jesus is always worth our time, our love, and our whole lives!

                                          Beautiful Young Women that attended our Lock In!

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